The Inner Kompass course

Jaime’s signature course for designing (and living) your intentional life with your one-of-a-kind values.

Imagine yourself:

Revealing your one-of-a-kind values and all that guides you. 

Prioritizing what matters to you most and bringing this into your daily life.

Understanding who you are beyond titles, labels, expectations and roles. (so as you go through change, you can find your center with more ease)

Taking intentional, sustainable steps forward in a direction aligned with your authentic self.

Connecting with your Inner Kompass and strengthening your self-trust.

Great news! This is what you’ll experience in the Inner Kompass course.

Connecting to your North Star

Become the Wayfinder of Your Life.

Learn to use your North Star as a feeling-based intention for guiding you in daily life and for helping you with:

Reaching your goals with more joy.

Finding more intention in everyday life.

Guiding you with intention in your projects, business or specific goals.

Shifting from patterns of burnout to a regenerative daily practice.

Showing up as your authentic self with more ease.