Welcome. Yasas. Bienvenue. G'day!

I'm Jaime Komer

Intentional Life Podcast Host | Olympian 🇺🇸 | Life Coach 🙏 | The Kampfire Founder 🔥 | Mama of 3 💛 | Traveling with my fam (usually)


I created this space for quieting the outer noise, tuning inward and nurturing your Intentional Life.

Through the years of major life transitions & journeys of my own, from…

  • competing at the Olympics, then retiring (a shock to my identity!)

  • starting my own wellness businesses

  • growing a family

  • experiencing full-time international travel with my family

I've opened up my lens to possibility of self-transformation, and the process of connecting with my inner calm amidst ALL the outer noise and chaos.

With my vast array of experiences, education and learnings, I have poured my heart into each Transformational Offering - coaching, courses and cohorts.

’m so grateful you’re here.